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CKIC Participated the ICT-FT 2016 International Comparison Tests Fuel Testing

January.23 Biomass

CKIC has participated in the ICT-FT 2016 International Comparison Tests Fuel Testing (Biomass, SRF) and made a great progress for marching on the Biomass and SRF applications.

The International Comparison tests were conducted for the fifth time in the company BEA Institute Fur Bioenergy GmbH with the appropriate statistical evaluation. The statistical evaluation is carried out in accordance with ISO/IES 17043 (mean value, standard deviation, outlier according to Grubbs, outlier according to Cochran, z-score) as well as repeatability and reproducibility. Since 2013, the laboratory comparison test has been listed in the international database for the proficiency tests “eptis”

The participation in this laboratory comparison tests is especially recommended for EPC (European Pellet Council) approved testing bodies.

International comparison tests or proficiency tests are external quality assurance of excellent instruments. Only testing laboratories which regularly participate in such tests are able to check, document and continuously optimize their performance, methods, precision, accuracy and reproducibility.

The participation in such laboratory comparison test is obligatory for accredited companies and recommended in particular to those testing laboratories which use a QM- system in accordance with SG ISO 9000 and/or EN 45001/EN ISO 1702. Any participating testing laboratory either accredited or not is able to document its performance in analysis and/or is able to document its performance in analysis and/or is able to determine the accuracy of the measurement methods with the help of these tests.CKIC is proud to be the only party from Asia participated in such a serious and professional International fuel testing in 2016. CKIC users and partners are very welcome to request the test results from us for more discussion on Biomass and SRF testing.